By Lorraine707
Grand Traverse, MI,
United States
I am looking for part shade/shade plants of max height 2 ft that can be planted in with my iris' and that'll hide the dying foliage. Something that'll not distract from the iris's while in bloon, and yet, have thier own beautiful flowers after the iris' are through.
30 Oct, 2009
Lorraine, have a look at
Tiarella it shouldl do the trick.
30 Oct, 2009
Just a thought Lorraine, what sort of iris are they, only some like their rhizomes in the sun.
30 Oct, 2009
ferns like shade Rhododendrons will also grow in shade, you can get miniture ones that will grow this high as I have some myself
30 Oct, 2009 is a good site
1 Nov, 2009
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im not good on plants myself yet, well not many but i like astilbe its about 12 to 18inches tall lovely foilage and pink,, reds or white fluffy flowers, also cranesbill or wild geraniums are nice, lower growing though than astilbe,so many more but sure others will addvise to :o) welcome to GOY
30 Oct, 2009