By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Any idea which willow tree this is? When I set it I thought it was Salix Contorta but its not very twisted?
On plant
?? Salix Contorta ??

3 Nov, 2009
It would probably have been grafted onto an ordinary willow rootstock. Suckers of the original have taken over from the 'contorta' part that was on top, as they are more vigorous....or you pruned it back too hard and have lost the 'contorta' part.
3 Nov, 2009
Whatever is growing in your picture, its definitely not Salix tortuosa - either you were sold the wrong thing, or Volunteer's explanation applies.
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks everyone for your comments. If you have time to take a look, I've just posted a pic of the base of the tree which shows all the twisted branches. I've never pruned it so not sure what's gone wrong :-(
3 Nov, 2009
my twisted curly willow is more tree like than this..........
3 Nov, 2009
Hmmm, I think I've got a Dud, thanks Holly.
3 Nov, 2009
Have checked the photo DA and made my comment under there - you're right, it's a dud;-(
3 Nov, 2009
Ha ha ha - the story of my life Bamboo.
3 Nov, 2009
Well, it has its own charm, regardless;-)
3 Nov, 2009
sent you a pm Dawn
3 Nov, 2009
Yes Bamboo, it has its own charm in a mutated kind of way, ha ha.
3 Nov, 2009
No, I meant it, DA! I bet it gets reflected in the water beneath and it's nice in its own right;-)
3 Nov, 2009
;-) It does look OK Bamboo. I was just curious as I've been thinking that it doesnt look like how it should. I've noticed also that some of the smaller branches are kind of flat and square and lined, its very strange. Thanks for all your help today.
3 Nov, 2009
More commonly known as twisted willow
3 Nov, 2009