By Sarahtee74
United Kingdom
I was given a parrot plant around 18 months ago without any care info?! It has grown new large leaves but the lower smaller ones have brown tips and are splitting? also it has never flowered. I would appreciate some watering/feeding tips and should I remove split leaves? It is an indoor plant. Thanks.
4 Nov, 2009
Need a picture as Parrot flower/plant can be applied to a couple of different plants. Heliconia and Clianthus as well as the species Impatiens psittacina........:-)
I'm guessing Heliconia as the leaves could split?
5 Nov, 2009
5 Nov, 2009
Previous question
« Thanks to everyone who identified this moth as a Poplar Hawk Moth
I don't know much about your plant except that the loam must be kept moist, but I am only the first in,others on hear will know a lot more,but it might help them if you could post a close up photo, full name impatiens niamniamensis,
5 Nov, 2009