By Westerne
United Kingdom
I'd like some advice on a plant which I think is a palm. The label read Cissus rhom. Mandaiana. It also read "produces air". What does this latter claim mean? Would it be suitable for indoors, varying temperatures, semi shade?
17 Dec, 2012
hi dont know if this will help but typed the name of the plant in google and added care tips and came up with this website
but its not a palm. hope it helps!
18 Dec, 2012
Hi Fractal cat and Catty,
Thanks for your help with this question. My plant indentification skills need some attention. I just liked the look of it and might buy it anyhow next time I'm there.
Thanks again.
18 Dec, 2012
Nice indoor plant for medium-bright indirect light, and it's very good at filtering out some forms of indoor pollution.
20 Dec, 2012
I've got one of these myself as a houseplant. Really easy care, prefers low light situations, though not totally dark. Easy to raise extra plants too, just by cutting off bits you don't want and popping them in water till they root. And its definitely not a palm of any sort.
21 Dec, 2012
Hi Tugbrethil and Bamboo, thanks for your comments. I hope you have a great 2013.
14 Jan, 2013
You're welcome, Westerne!
16 Jan, 2013
And a great new year to you as well...
16 Jan, 2013
Cissus rhombifolia
Though the name 'Mandaiana' is listed as a credited name; The Plant-Finder fails to find a supplier.
18 Dec, 2012