By Scotkat
Did you all take heed to cover up plants.
A very hard frost and very cold but a nice crisp sunny morning ,went for a walk this morning and even put on leg warmers but did feel athrits sore in cold.
8 Nov, 2009
We've had frost the last two nights - everything tucked away or up... Mr MB going to turn the outside water off.
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks for that our water but went empty when shortage of rain and we said we wont need to empty it before the winter .
But with all the rain last week its now to the top.
I better go and empty as dont want it spliting with the frost.
Outside tap is in our garage .
Keep cosy everyone.
8 Nov, 2009
it was frosted over in glasgow last night and looks like it will be the same tonight. thermals needed for work tonight I think..
8 Nov, 2009
Yes and your cosy hat everything yes very cold outside now again its never warmed up.
8 Nov, 2009
Think frost growing on top of weekends frost brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr very cold.
9 Nov, 2009
Whereabouts are you Scotcat ? (from your name is it Scotland ?)
No frost here :-)
14 degrees and watery sunshine here, and this is the first day in a week or more when we haven't had rain all through the night and morning :-)))))
8 Nov, 2009