By Nouellescape
I have some 'Crowborough' Arum lillies in a pot and would like to plant them out. My soil is alkaline. The winter here has temperature down to -15. Will the soil type or low temperature kill them?
10 Nov, 2009
bury the corm deep at least 8" down and they should survive ok. the soil type as long as it is not too extreme in acidity/alkalinity or waterlogged wont make much of a difference.
10 Nov, 2009
Bamboo/Seaburn - being a bit cheeky muscling in here but .... I have one of these too, I set it this summer on the edge of my pond, its in quite fertile soil but I'm wondering if it will be OK now through winter after reading your comments above, as it could be a bit wet for it and we do live in a frost pocket.
10 Nov, 2009
It should be fine, Dawnsaunt, as long as you don't let the water freeze around it. Temperatures of -15 degrees rare as hen's teeth other here!
10 Nov, 2009
Thats good news Bamboo, thank you. Its grown really well so didnt want to lift it. Ha ha, hen's teeth, never heard of that one before, only the one about rocking horses.
10 Nov, 2009
and that should read "over" here, not other!
10 Nov, 2009
Dawn we always said hen's teeth too!
I have a large pot of these too and after getting badly frosted last winter it was struggling and not looking too happy at all ~but have gots lots of new leaves now~ I am thinking of either covering with a thick blanket of fleece at the first sign of any frost or maybe putting into the greenhouse on the floor~kept at about 10 degrees. Would it grow on slowly if I did?
10 Nov, 2009
I just want to clear something up here - Arum lily as a name can be a bit confusing - Zantedeschia aethopica "Crowborough" is the hardiest arum lily - some of the others will need protection in the winter, or bringing into a cold greenhouse, depending where you live. I'd also suggest that any Arum may well be more susceptible to cold if growing in a pot rather than the ground.
11 Nov, 2009
~ it is in a fairly big deep pot but yes I think protection will be supplied!
11 Nov, 2009
Whoo Hoo - I'm so pleased that I have the hardiest one. Thanks Bamboo
11 Nov, 2009
The temperature might - this plant is hardy in Britain, but we wouldn't get temperatures that low most of the time. It will die if the ground freezes - and at minus 15, I'd expect it would.
10 Nov, 2009