Can I save my elephant ear?
By Nancygiard
Essex County, MA,
United States
My arch-enemy woodchuck ate all of the 3 leaves off of the first elephant ear plant I’ve ever planted. Including leaves it was about 2 feet tall with 3 leaves and a 4th tender leaf. He ate the 3 leaves in one day, then came back for the last leaf yesterday.
I caught the woodchuck in my Havahart trap last night…yeah! So now I’m wondering… I have any hope to recover my elephant ear plant without any leaves on it? Should I cut it down or what? Thanks in advance for any advice.
UPDATE 10-06-08: I left it alone and it recovered great! After watering and the summer months have now passed my plants look great. Each has about 8 big leaves and the plants are about 2.5 feet tall. Thanks for the great advice!
On plant
elephant ear
31 May, 2008
It is very difficult to kill that plant - keep it watered, a bit of fertilizer would help. Lucky it happened in spring - your new growth will not take long! I appreciate that you used a Havahart trap.
1 Jun, 2008
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I think the elephant ear will put out more leaves as the summer goes on. Do not cut it back, just wait and watch! They are pretty easy to grow.
31 May, 2008