United Kingdom
I am looking for a tree which will attract birds but this needs to be small, what would you recommend?
Asked from the GoYpedia
small trees page
12 Nov, 2009
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small trees
I like the Rowan. it has light/airy foliage , pretty cream flowers and then berries in the autumn. insects like the flowers and the birds love the berries.
12 Nov, 2009
ooh yes crab apples. good choice. pyracantha, though technically a shrub.
12 Nov, 2009
I was thinking 'Pyracantha', as well - but it would have to be one that doesn't need support against a wall/fence. Some do, don't they! I'd agree - it's a shrub.
12 Nov, 2009
Welcome to GOY guest. I only joined recently but find it a fascinating fund of information. Crab apple is a great idea as is holly, but check it is either self fertile or is female and there is a male nearby. Rowan, the Sorbus Aucuparia the Mountain Ash, not the whitebeam, it will be too big. Or what about Leycesteria, the pheasant berry. I grow it and it is over ten foot tall. The hollow stems are bamboo like and waxy looking. It may be killed off by frost but will pop up again in spring. It is a shrub and not a tree but might suit. It has long tassles of wine coloured bracts followed by berries which the birds adore.
12 Nov, 2009
I agree with both Rowan and Crabapple just spread the roots when you plant a Rowan so they dont go round and round or they will suffer in a drought.
12 Nov, 2009
Try looking up Amalchia, sorry about the spelling.
13 Nov, 2009
I had a cotoneaster which was a beautiful standard tree and stayed at about 6 ft it had little white flowers in spring followed by lots of red berries it was semi weeping and could easily controlled by pruning
13 Nov, 2009
it realy dose not matter as long as you hang bird feaders on or near it' you want a robin' go to your local angling shop get some mealie worms , black birds like fruit sparrows like seed and the tits like nuts, I dont know about men but certanly the way to a birds hart is through it's stumack,
13 Nov, 2009
Not this bird !
13 Nov, 2009
I surender'
13 Nov, 2009
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Heron do you mean Amelanchier, Snowy Mespilus, Another very good choice as it has red tinted foliage in spring which turns green, white flowers followed by red berries which turn black, then the foliage turns yellow before it drops its leaves. Birds love them.
13 Nov, 2009
I wonder if an Herushia would find a way to Louise's heart? You may have to help me with Herushia too Madaboutpla !
13 Nov, 2009
Sorry heron never heard that one. I have an amelanchier in the garden which is verbalised almost as you spelled it.
13 Nov, 2009
The berries on my amelanchier never get a chance to turn black - they are stripped by blackbirds and pigeons as soon as they are red
13 Nov, 2009
I have a miniature crab apple, white blossom, tiny apples the size of cranberries and bright red. The tits have just discovered it and are loving it. Sadly it's too small to take feeders as yet but it's a beautiful tree shape.
14 Nov, 2009
a large low bush can do the work of a small tree if there aren't too many local cats!
6 Nov, 2011
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How about one of the Crab-apple trees (Malus)? At this time of year, the birds flock to eat the tiny apples - especially blackbirds! You can get trees with different coloured apples, too - 'Butterball' has yellow ones, and 'Indian Magic' has red fruit. Of course you have the benefit of lovely blossom in the spring, too!
12 Nov, 2009