By Scottw3
United Kingdom
I have a foul stench in one corner of my patio, many workmen have not been able to identify it! can I identify what it is and clear it without harming animals or the environment
13 Nov, 2009
how long you hav smell?
13 Nov, 2009
could it be foxes? that's a very distinctive smell... is the area overgrown, or perhaps a neighbour's garden overgrown just beyond it?
13 Nov, 2009
Sorry to be flippant, but if you plant dranunculis vulgaris (dragon arum) in the other corner, you will find you no longer notice the other smell once it flowers in the spring!
13 Nov, 2009
say htat Bertie, i got spare muckpile, very ripe, 20m x 8m - wuld fill patio nice :)
13 Nov, 2009
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Any chance of a photograph of the area that smells? And are you sure it's not a problem coming from next door? Hidden drain? Hole where something could have crawled in and died? Is the smell sewage like?
13 Nov, 2009