By Harli
United States
I have these everywhere and see no sign of flowers yet.
I would really like to take some of these out when the time is appropriate. Any help is greatly appreciated.

31 May, 2008
Yes Anemone japonica, very common and invasive (mostly)but worthy of any border, but be ruthless and pull a lot out in the Spring when clearing the garden , pot them up and give to friends, it is only the rarer ones that are expensive ,there are doubles and singles.
1 Jun, 2008
They are deep rooted and tough and quite difficult to dig out! The roots spread out once the plant is established. I had a go at removing some this spring and find them popping up even though I thought I'd got the roots out! Difficult to leave clumps and keep them in order but I have plant supports around each clump now, and the odd bits will have to be dug out again next year! Have you got a lot of them?
1 Jun, 2008
Thank you. I have 20 or 30 of them and I really only want a couple. Shall I try to dig them now or wait until later in the season?
1 Jun, 2008
You can dig them out now if you can!!!
2 Jun, 2008
Put them on e-bay Harli cost@£5[$10] so you got about 2 -300 dollars worth.That makes them expensive in my book.
2 Jun, 2008
LOL Bonkersbon ~ Im half afraid to dig those out, they fight back, ha ha. I have a jungle of them on one side of the house and it overshadows other things that are there.
2 Jun, 2008
I have used plant supports this year because in previous years they have flopped all over the other plants! I am not sure whether this has worked... the clumps I left in have grown over the top of the supports and may still flop! They do make up for it when they flower, and I forgive them every year. Go for it, Harli! You need to if you have other plants near them!
2 Jun, 2008
Spritzhenry ~ What do the flowers look like?
I have two very nice shaped clumps I like, but here is a picture of them out of control. The whole area behind the rhodies have maybe twenty more of these...
2 Jun, 2008
Looks like the leaf of Japanese anemone , will flower in pink or white single blooms.Late summer flowering lovely plant v.expensive here in UK.
1 Jun, 2008