United Kingdom
have very damp area in my garden, have tried hostas with no joy what can we plant next
19 Nov, 2009
Guest from Ayrshire welcome... do join GoY we've lots of Scottish GoYers!
19 Nov, 2009
it seams to me that your plants are geting dround , I feal a soakaway coming on. I think you should get some one to dig a deep hole there and through old broken bricks or rocks or stones or every thing you can get your hands on,in to the bottom then replace the soil, I am talking to a lady ,if not get your spade mate, after that grow what ever you want there MG even me a Welsh man know's it should be scot's never scottish
19 Nov, 2009
Cliffo your wrong! I am a Scot we are Scottish...
20 Nov, 2009
all the scot's I have known. including those scot's guards that used to get me out of bed on hogmanay with the pipes and their bottle of the hard stuff hated to be called scottish, and inseisted that they were scot's'' dosen't it sound bad' scottish guards. lol ps scot's go yers, thats better, I love the jocks proberly because my ansesters were.
20 Nov, 2009
a large gunnera would look great if you have room
20 Nov, 2009
Previous question
« my pyraanthus has gone all patchy and looks like it has a desease on its stems
If it's in shade as well, there are ferns which enjoy those conditions, or try Astilbe and Aruncus
If it's a sunny spot, you have lots of choice - Ligularia, Primula bulleyana, P. florindae, P. pulvurenta,Lythrum salicaria, Rodgersia, Darmera peltata, Iris laevigata, Iris pseudacorus, Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough', Mimulus cardinalis and Filipendula palmata or F. purpurea, just to give you a few examples.
I hope this helps.
19 Nov, 2009