By Vanessafuka
United States
I purchase a Japanese Skimmia shrub (female). I know that it should flower white flowers in the spring- it has the red berries on it now. Will the red berries return if I don't have the male version near by?
20 Nov, 2009
spritz is correct you need a male shrub too. do ant of your neighbours have any ? if so lets hope one is a male. you could try growing some of your berries
you may get a male plant. i did when i grew 3 berries [2 males and 1 female]welcome to GoY too.
20 Nov, 2009
Previous question
There is a hermaphrodite one - called Skimmia reevesiana - could it be that species? Otherwise, the answer is no - you'll need a male one in future years, as well, to get berries.
20 Nov, 2009