By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Plant identification please.

22 Nov, 2009
Thanks Drc - I should have explained more .... it doesnt cling, its kind of an upright shrub that needs support.
22 Nov, 2009
What sort of size is it?
22 Nov, 2009
The mature one in my mum's garden is about 6 feet tall. I've been trying to find the name for ages and I feel a bit embarrassed now because I was looking through my books for something else and I've come across at plant: Fatshedera lizeri - a cross between Fatsia and ivy - it would make sense?
22 Nov, 2009
Thats what it is Dawnsaunt.....:>)
22 Nov, 2009
Great, thanks so much, I can post it now.
22 Nov, 2009
Well done Dawnsaunt!
22 Nov, 2009
Well thats a surprise do you think it will flower?
22 Nov, 2009
Hi Drc, I've done a bit of a google and apparently, in autumn produces umbels of greeny-white flowers. This one is quite young so maybe in future years.
22 Nov, 2009
That what I wondered Dawn - if it would have lovely white flowers from its Fatsia side as well as its ivy side? fingers crossed
22 Nov, 2009
It would be nice Drc, wouldnt it. Do you like it, would you like me to try and get a cutting going for you.
22 Nov, 2009
I like fatsia have 2, I want to see what happens? with this plant I suspect it might be a hidden gem so yes a cutting would be fun thanks Dawn.
22 Nov, 2009
I'll make a note and try and get one going Drc. When I first started trying to establish what it was, I kept thinking it was an Ivy but it all makes sense now. Like you say, should be nice.
22 Nov, 2009
Well I see you worked out what it was! Fatshedera lizei variegata, lovely plant, needs support though, gets about 4 feet, doesn't usually flower at all. Can also be used as a houseplant, and is often found in the houseplant section of the garden centre.
22 Nov, 2009
I've been intrigued what they are for ages Bamboo - but now we know, thanks.
Quite nice arent they. On another note, did you find that link I left so you could listen to the green woodpecker call?
23 Nov, 2009
I did, thanks, but I have to admit, haven't got round to listening yet - speakers need to be plugged in, and the plugboard's behind the computer table!
23 Nov, 2009
Ha ha Bamboo - sounds like my set up
23 Nov, 2009
I dread to think how much dust is lurking back there, what with all those cables...
23 Nov, 2009
Don't worry, we all have it, lol
23 Nov, 2009
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English Ivy? its handsome
22 Nov, 2009