By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
baaaaaa humbug lol bring on the spring but i wish you all a great year thow just anyway . the boys are about a year old about now hence dougle and humbug lol

31 Dec, 2012
Happy New year to you and your lovely boys,Leigh,my goodness,how they have grown !
31 Dec, 2012
Happy New Year, NP!! and many doggy returns!
1 Jan, 2013
Happy New Year to you Np, I love to see all those cuddly faces, lots of folds to hug in your house.......
1 Jan, 2013
A happy new year to you as well Np, Derek.
1 Jan, 2013
happy new year Leigh. Keep up the art work. I keep showing it to my eldest girl who really loves what you do.
1 Jan, 2013
thank you so much everyone bring on the spring im going to hybernate lol xx .
1 Jan, 2013
Happy new year Nosey and have a snuggly hibernation with your boys.
1 Jan, 2013
apserlutly merlin xx .
2 Jan, 2013
There's something irresistible about a dog with wrinkles... Happy new Year to all of you NP.
2 Jan, 2013
Bonjour NP have loved your 2012 blogs may you long continue and garden, and have a happy new year and beyond! I lived in Norfolk many years (came from London in 1970s, South Norfolk & Norwich thereafter, 1973 to 2007) but I have to say my favourite dogs are (hate me if you wish!~) Dalmatians - have had 3 and would have another but alas age catches up and I could do the emotion but no longer the exercise! - I make do with a cat, much beloved, these days...
3 Jan, 2013
i love all dogs but as i have a choice i take it . i have a staffy + and a one eyed pug too lol .theres something irresistible about all dogsstera lol x x . ill kee up the good work and have a good one everyone xx .
3 Jan, 2013
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« just like to wish everyone a happy new year,and thanks for all your help.kind regards
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Hope you have a good year in 2013 as well NP
31 Dec, 2012