By Sherich
United Kingdom
am bringing my geraniums in fior the winter, how much do i cut back foilage also i have a cellar and a lobby where would be best to keep them

9 Dec, 2009
Agree with bloomer, also another little tip for you when you cut them back you can also make new plants from the cuttings,,, really easy to do, i do this every year and line the babies up accross my window sils for the winter, that way if i do loose any of the big ones i have replacements... :-)
9 Dec, 2009
thanks to bothe of you, will try the cuttings also
9 Dec, 2009
ur welcome :-) do you know how to do cuttings?
9 Dec, 2009
not sure
9 Dec, 2009
you want a nice healthy non flowering shoots, approx 3-4" long cut straight just below a knode, remove all lower leaves leaving just two healthy ones at the top and put straight into a pot of compost, approx 2" down water in and leave it somewhere bright and warm for a few weeks then you will start to see signs of growth if it is sucessful - i usually use bigger pots and put 3 cuttings around the outer edges. be careful not to overwater, and if they get a bit leggy nip out the tips... hop this helps....
9 Dec, 2009
Welcome to GOY.glad we could help.....
9 Dec, 2009
oh sorry yes welcome.... where are my manors... tsk tsk lol
9 Dec, 2009
thank you very much i will do tom
9 Dec, 2009
I'm trying to keep my geraniums over the winter too, they are all starting to re shoot now, i think the minimum of water is important as they can succumb to rot!
Regards, Micky 45
16 Dec, 2009
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Cut the foliage by half,and take any flowers off,they need to rest.Keep fairly dry,and in a light,cool,frost free place.Not sure about a cellar,unless it has the right conditions as suggested.
9 Dec, 2009