By Tumbleweed
United Kingdom
I am a new member here, and am looking for some advise with regards to a conifer.
Can anyone advise me about repositioning a large conifer, as the one i have moved the needles turned brown. I would like to know if it has died or whether it is because it did not like the move and will recover later.
No major roots were broken in the removal process, and it was well watered in when i re-planted. Any help or advise would be gratefully recieved.
Many thanks
10 Dec, 2009
when did you move it, and did you look after the more important fiberus small roots by keeping a root ball near the trunk, a good time to move it would have been next month, I am hoping that Bluespruce will come in on this one.
11 Dec, 2009
Rather than break the branch. make a small scrape in the bark and see if green beneath the branch is alive ,if brown the branch is dead. If the needles fall from tips of .branches ,a bad sign. If needles fall from back of branch this should be just normal aging.
11 Dec, 2009
well the brown needles are not a good sign to test if its dead you can bend one of the limbs if it snaps and brakes more likelly that limb could be dead check that first i would like to help more but i would need to know more info on the tree.
11 Dec, 2009