Moving an established Bamboo Tree?
By Katiecoo
United Kingdom
I want to move a bamboo tree (about 3 years old) as I want to make room for another plant.
Any advice on how I can move it - is it likely to be too stressed and die and does it have a huge rootball that I need to dig out.
Many thanks for any help
3 Jun, 2008
Previous question
« my 5 year old kiwi has never flowered should i get rid of it
Transplanting is hard work and involves digging a large chunk of root ball out of the ground. Never transplant bamboo when it is shooting. Dig bamboo either very early in the spring before there’s any chance of shooting or wait for the growth period to be over late in the autumn. You should look for a clump of culms that has come up in the last year or so and which includes at least three or four healthy-looking culms. A good size for the clump would be at least two feet in diameter. Bamboo roots (rhizomes) are tough but must not be allowed to dry out even for a few minutes. You may have to use a very sharp shovel, ax or saw to separate the roots from the rest of the grove. If you will be transferring the division by truck, then water the leaves and roots well, wrap the whole thing in plastic and get it into the ground as quickly as possible
3 Jun, 2008