By Micky45
North Somerset,
United Kingdom
Buddlea Alternifolia
I got a B/A a while back and planted it in the front, I read that you should let it grow as it wants then identify a straight stem coming out of the middle then strip off the other growth around it so this straight stem thickens and becomes like a trunk, i've done this and it has grown up and thickened with higher stems now coming off this main stem. the idea is to train it as a standard as it is known as the weeping butterfly bush.
Does anyone of you have experience with this shrub, they are not too common like other buds and i really want it to succeed and do well!
Micky 45
16 Dec, 2009
it is a beautiful shrb but i have never had much success with it. post the pictures as you go. sounds really good.
16 Dec, 2009
I don't know a lot about them but my understanding is that,they flower on last years stems, you should prune old flowering stems about a third,immediately after flowering, by the way do not prune in spring as with other buddlea, older stems cut down to the ground, and make shore that it has a good thick stake for surport.
16 Dec, 2009
We grow it as a thicket as we have enough room to do that. The flowers are not spectacular but there are plenty of them and bees adore them. Never actually bothered pruning ours as I wanted it to get big. Certainly hardy if it survives in our garden.
17 Dec, 2009
Take lots cuttings from the bits that you prune off. I'm sure everyone will want one. It is impressive when in flower and attracts lots of comments. No-one knows what it is!
17 Dec, 2009
There is a lovely monograph on Buddlejas with lots of species I wish I could a. grow or b get hold of. Buddlejas by David D. Stuart. RHS Plant Coolectors Guide. One in particular is a real want. B. fallowiana. The leaves and stems are pure white with hairs. It has flowers like B. alternifolia. There is a magnificent specimen at Powys Castle Gardens. They never have any on sale though. Despite its looks it is supposed to be hardy.
17 Dec, 2009
Thank you everyone for your goo advice "as always!"
I will keep you updated with it's progress and a pic too!
18 Dec, 2009
good advice too! "what is goo advice? it's knowing what to do for a sick cream egg!..................
18 Dec, 2009
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I've never grown it, but I know its growth habit - it does trail and droop, so I think you've done absolutely the right thing, otherwise it can make a rather messy thicket of stems with tumbling new flowering growth on the outside.Unlike the more common Buddleia davidii, I expect you know this one needs pruning immediately after it's flowered - cut back flowered stems by at least half and reshape if necessary. And please post a photo when it's in flower!
16 Dec, 2009