By Valadel
United Kingdom
My daughter has decking outside her backdoor which when wet is treacherous and in this current climate even worse, any ideas any one ? ( apart from the obvious, ie take up, which was my suggestion)
22 Dec, 2009
I have a friend who has decking squares across her front garden and little pebbles at the side... in this weather we all walk on the pebbles. I'd replace the decking with slabs that have a rough surface - much easier to walk on.
22 Dec, 2009
You could buy a suitable sized wire mesh and staple this over the decking. It will give a good grip.
22 Dec, 2009
Having dun a boat up last winter,I would advise you visit a boat yard, there was plastic decks on the boat which are washed by salt water and would be dangerious especaly climing alongeside the cabin to get at the ancher,wereing wellies, as a decorater I can tell you with due respect BA that to put sand in paint you need specal paint like road marking paint, and varnish will not hold anything , but the boat lads have it licked,you can get green or blue or clear paint and a type of sharp crystal to mix in ,we found the best way was to mix a bit then sprinkle it on while wet , it last for years and ofcorse you can not slip on it.due respects agin BA wire mesh after a bit becomes slipy even dry, I hope I have not ofended BA that is certainly not my intention,
22 Dec, 2009
Cliffo, could you possibly offend me o-) !
22 Dec, 2009
having re read the answers you only said about the mesh, however I have no wish to offend anyone, after a life time in the building industry and decorating as a specalty , I learned a few things when I decided to do my boat up, it is funny how if people shaired their knowlage how better off we would be for instance ,in the motor industry pumps for draining old oil from the sump (the japenies are now making cars without a sump plug,) so the moter industry are in a flap trying to get the pump that will do the job, and up to now nothing is good enough, yet boats with inborn engins solved the problem years ago.
22 Dec, 2009
I know what you mean Val. My decking gets very slippery too but it's away from the house so I can just avoid it. It has a small decked slope down (for lawn mower access from the shed) and I have wire mesh over this since I slipped over on it once. It's a pity they don't tell you about this aspect of decking, I wouldn't have it again so I'm inclined to agree with your solution!. :o((
22 Dec, 2009
Thanks Gilli,Moongrower,B A and Cliffo you are all mines of information, my daughter was thinking about the wire mesh ,I stress thinking because life got in the way and it never got done ! So me thinks it will be a paint job with something sprinkled in, simply because its easier, personallyI like the slabs idea.
Once again thanks all and remember B A and Cliffo its Christmas so no punch ups ! ! ! lol
Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year everyone
22 Dec, 2009
Hi' Lily, missed your comment , glad you agree with me so much so I might make you my "bessie mate" lol ! ! !
22 Dec, 2009
Hi Mom - Loads of good ideas there. thanks for asking the question. I have actually got the wire out on the decking and the staple gun is under the stairs - so, if in between doing the ironing, cleaning, decorating and walking the dogs, you could stick it down for me, that would be great!!! Tee Hee!!
22 Dec, 2009
Sounds like you're going to be busy there Val............what else are Mums for?
Have fun whatever you're doing! Happy Christmas. x
22 Dec, 2009
cliif sounds like the clear stuff is the answer .lets face it they made an engine i believe it was vaulxwagon that only ever needs the oil changing and mostley made of very hard nylon.they could make cars that dont rust but no chance the retail industry wants what they sell you to fail so you buy more.its not about caring for the consumer its about seaming to .i know and most experianced gardeners do that wood rots if in contact with damp soil but they keep cutting down these trees to make terrible fence panels and wooden posts .mostly for the unfortunate who cant bye concrete kicker boards and posts but they end up paying the most.being in the boat industry you know cliffo they could build a car shassy excuse my spelling and body that doesnt rust but no chance.if you think the goverment care about smoking fags etc all of a sudden then your wrong.its the fact they allowed them to be sold with know health warning to everyone over 16 in the 70`s and before and everyone is now counting the cost of this or becomming awear .strange that the only work place in the uk you can smoke legaly is the houses of parliment .the decking you buy is rubbish made to fail .its power grown and moulded strate away with know green .how comes scaffold boards dont rot anywear near so easy .you just got to read between the lines .anyway ive stopped my ranting lol .happy xmas lol
22 Dec, 2009
Nosey you are realy with it, I worked in a car making firm for a short while, no names no pack dril, but I saw that rust spots were built in, have you noticed that cars from the same firm rot in the same place,the computers they put in cars are grate , but they and things like no sump plugs are purposely making it imposable for us to do any repairs and small garages will shortly be going to the wall because they canot afford to keep up with the tools they need,ask any garage some day people will fluf then you and I will not be big mouths making a noise about nothing,have a nice year,
22 Dec, 2009
its all about the doller cliffo . you dont read between the lines in this life at your own risk .only people over 50 say life begins at 50 .if woman used all the perfume and anti wrinkle stuff clothes etc you wouldnt be able to get in the house .if you go to ford for a part its so expensive yet other firms can do the same thing at a fration of the pirice .i wonder why that is lol .when ever i want say a good chef knife i dont bye gadjets .i go and see what the chefs are using .computers in cars are spoiling any chance to fix your own car . i always look back at the cave man and wonder how they ever got bye with out a microwave or hair gel i think thats why i like dogs and animals so much as you know they either like you or dont but at least there honest . dogs dont care weather there living at buckingham palace or with a homless persen as long as there well fed etc .if you look at chalange shows,gardening shows like groundforce or diy they are nearly always done for middle class people who dont realy need it or look right.when did you see a heavily tattood persen on who wants to be a millionare . when did you see a garden or make over show in a run down or lower down the poverty ladder garden being done as they are the ones that need it . just about never . whatt ever happend to swapping a pig for 2 sheep . life is all about the doller .i went to the norfolk show and got a little kiddy some what i call penny sweets and a little bottle of drink .the woman said that will be £4.50 . i said it bleeding well wont and passed them strate back .obviously there were plenty of people who will pay that amount . our local garden centre is way expensive .if i want a plant i go to see what it looks like then drive to didlington to buy it . the thing is especialy now the place is heaving with people handing money over blindly .im always as people seam to call me outspoken . i dont see it like that . i cant agree with something that i dont agree with or know to be wrong . i dont either think many people like to here the truthe .anyway thats my second rant of the day have a good year to cliffo lol .
22 Dec, 2009
Merry Christmas Cliffo and Nosey.
22 Dec, 2009
the truble is they charge what they think you will pay,and people think that they will be looked down on if they do not pay with a smile ,to show they can afford it,even if they carn't, personaly I dont give a darn what people think if I think it is over priced I have to say so, and I have had some fair deals because I know and they know that I am the boss because it is my money,,just to show you what I am talking about,on the back of my amateur garddening is an advert for zip up gardening boots £16 a pair add to that £3.95 p&p they have them in my local posh garden center (there is money around hear) £24.99,they are luckie I don't want a pair.have a nice not too expencive christmas, there should be a lot more like you and me, then it would be. I did not see you there Val, have a nice christmas and nosey will want that for you aswell xx one from each of us lol
22 Dec, 2009
Just a note to say that I've used sand mixed in with paint for years and never had a problem. Like I say....I works great here. It has to be fine sand though.
Be careful with the wire mesh in the has a habit of forming a thin layer of ice in the winter which can make it even more treacherous than the original problem.
23 Dec, 2009
I've not walked on my bit with the wire on in the ice Gilli but it does also get leaves, pine needles and debris stuck in it so it's hard to keep clean :o(((
Maybe you should be a good Mum and get the crowbar out then Val, and then get busy paving! LOL
23 Dec, 2009
yes we call it burnt sand because it is heated to dry it in an oven,used by locomotives to grip the steal rail, but it dose not conpair with what I surjested, and you are so right about the mesh,but if people do not understand, or because other ways are easer , then good advice is not realy called for, you can only offer every one has a right to listen or not to listen, personaly I just let it go, all the best Gilli
23 Dec, 2009
there was an old lady who swallowed a fly i dont ..................... dum de dum lol
23 Dec, 2009
That's true Lily....they are hard to keep clean...Maybe a crowbar would be the best idea. LOL
Nosey....Why are you telling everyone about the fly I swallowed???? It was supposed to be a secret! LOL
Cliffo, have a Happy Christmas. :o)))
23 Dec, 2009
Crow bar coming up ! !
No Gilli it was me who swallowed the fly !
Have a good one :o)))
23 Dec, 2009
24 Dec, 2009
I am assuming this is wooden decking Valadel. Around here, people paint or stain the wood and mix sand in with the paint. It works really well. Either that or there are specially formulated decking coatings that you can roll on with a paint roller. They dry to a rubberized finish. They are expensive though.
22 Dec, 2009