By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
I'd be very interested in the answers to this one. Where do people buy their seed? I've tried most of the major seed dealers over the years and mostly get my seed from Graines Baumaux now (though they are expensive). Which seed company do people think provides the best value for money in terms of seed quantity, viability of seed, and price?
27 Dec, 2009
I dont have any loyalty I am afraid. It comes down to what there is and cost too. I use the seed exchange via the RHS and HPS as well as Chiltern seeds, T&M, Suttons, Unwins and Mr Forthergill.seeds. I try to find single colours [species/named varieties] rather than mixes as it makes it easier to plan colour schemes. I do compare nmber of seeds /cost where there are plants in common. I also consider how many seeds in the packet. There is a company Carters I think, that do small packs and I will use those too.
Hope this helps bertie.
27 Dec, 2009
Perhaps I should clarify, the two seed merchants mentioned are the ones we buy our veggie seed from. Alpine/rock garden plant seeds come from the Scottish Rock Garden Seed exchange - one of the best in the world with over 4,000 varieties, being members is worth it just for the seed alone... Though we are very active members within the club
27 Dec, 2009
Try 'Plants of Distinction' as well - their catalogue has unusual seeds and I had some last year from them.
27 Dec, 2009
Hi BertieFox,
I also order from Graines Baumaux. Have done so since I discovered them about 3 years ago. Yes, they're rather expensive (as are all things garden-related in France!) but they have the most complete and varied seed catalogue I have seen so far.
27 Dec, 2009
Speaking of seed catalogues - anyone know of seed by mail merchants in Spain?
27 Dec, 2009
I buy the cheapest if the seed is the same variety. I don't think one brand is better than another. I agree completely with Seaburngirl and she has named most of the available mail order seed companies. In fact, I am happy with Wilkinson's seeds if they have what I want.
27 Dec, 2009
yes me too and the ones from lydle and poundstretcher.
27 Dec, 2009
Nariz, I spent ages searching on line a few months ago for a mail order seed company in Spain, after a short visit there. Couldn't find anything.
Maybe it's the same as 'Seeds of Italy' who deal with Franchi. If you contact Franchi directly they explain they only deal with wholesalers and sell seed in huge quantities.
28 Dec, 2009
Thanks Bertie - I've wasted hours searching too! I can buy small packets of seeds in the very few GCs in this region or in our local weekly market, but I really wanted a nice catalogue to curl up in front of the fire with on a wintry day so I can make my choice in comfort. A fellow GoYer has very kindly offered to send me seeds I want but can't get hold of here, so maybe she'll be my 'seed catalogue.' :o)))
29 Dec, 2009
Hi Bertie we buy from Organic Gardening, used to be Chase, and Thompson & Morgan. It is important to us that the seed has been grown organically - not because it affect the seed so much as because it affects the environment. We are also members of Garden organic, used to be HDRA' and so get a 10% discount on all seed we buy :-)
27 Dec, 2009