United Kingdom
Hi Everyone. Happy 2013 and here's hoping we get better weather, wherever we are on the planet. I have a weeping standard rose (Blue Veil) bought last year and it flowered prolifically. Any tips on pruning? I took off all the dead and yellow bits last year but it's v top heavy and instinct is telling me to give it a good trim but I seem to be getting conflicting advice online so over to my favourite experts!!
12 Jan, 2013
Aim to keep the stems as open as you can, to achieve a good umbrella shape, removing old, dead and diseased wood leaving the new and supple growth and any branches that cross should also be pruned to avoid rubbing. Keep standing back as you do it to see the shape as it appears.
Sorry I dont know Blue Veil but the single flowering ones flower on the last years growth and should be pruned after they have flowered to let them develop new flowering stems for the following season. Repeat flowering ones give a light prune in autumn and do a real cutting back in winter, remember to clear away all debris and mulch, feed and mulch in the spring
13 Jan, 2013
Hi J and D. I don't have any photos of mine for some reason. Have one I found online (bit of an anorak but keep a folder with pics of what I've bought/planted to remind me what I've put where in the back yard etc and to avoid buying twice, which I've done before!!) Thanks for the tips. Read that I shouldn't prune it in the first few years too but it looks really top heavy. Perhaps I'll have to deadhead more often this year. D I think I should have cut back by now as it seems to have started to develop some different coloured stems (they glow red in the sunlight, which I only noticed this morning) so perhaps I'll wait and see what comes this year and give it a better prune back next winter.
13 Jan, 2013
Previous question
Hi, I never heard of a weeping rose, however I googled it. NOW I WANT ONE, on "E " I got the following info:Place weeping rose trees in full sun (at least 6 hours of sunlight each day). Fertilize yearly with a fertilizer designed for flowering shrubs or roses. Do not use water-soluble fertilizers. Do not prune weeping rose trees for their first couple of years, unless you need to remove dead or diseased limbs.
Read more: Information on the Weeping Rose Tree |
HOPE THIS HELPS, do you have a picture to share? THANKS, Jo
13 Jan, 2013