By Gateshead
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
can I plant directly on top of manure or is it too rich. I have some delphiniums coming and have been told they like manure so I was thinking of putting a big dollop in the planting hole and planting on top of it.
13 Jan, 2013
it needs to be well rotted for at least 6 months. so if its old manure then ok but not if fresh as mg says.
14 Jan, 2013
I don't think 6 months is long enough Eileen. It takes up to 2 years for all the harmful nitrites to leach from rich manure, especially if it is being used more or less undiluted.
14 Jan, 2013
I agree, in fact even at two years I would not simply put into the planting hole - better to mix with some soil.
14 Jan, 2013
You could bury it below where you are going to plant and let the roots grow down to find it.
14 Jan, 2013
I was referring to garden centre bought bags of manure so I'm assuming they would be well rotted. But I appreciate your advice so perhaps some caution is called for. Many thanks
14 Jan, 2013
Garden centre bags of manure may or may not be well rotted, you'll need to check when you open the bag. Volunteer's suggestion is the best one really, assuming the manure is well rottted.
14 Jan, 2013
yes very true it will depend on the animal that produced it.
are you very snowy Sarra? we have 10cm + :o(
14 Jan, 2013
We have none :-)
14 Jan, 2013
we have had another couple of cm over night. the perk of being on the top edge of the wolds I guess. -4 according to the car thermometer this morning too. Drive to work was interesting.
15 Jan, 2013
Weather comment to reply to SBG. Yuk. We are at least not snowed in but it took us half an hour to drive back from Morrison's on Monday. Wasn't snowing when we went there. Morrison's is about 1km away.
16 Jan, 2013
Manure MUST be mixed with soil at all costs. Wow! I've never seen snow. You are so lucky!
16 Jan, 2013
Hi Mona. Believe me, saying that we are lucky to get snow is a bit like saying we must be fun at a funeral. It looks OK on cards or through double-glazed windows but it is cold and wet and difficult to walk or drive on and totally horrible. Send us some of your sunshine and we'll send you as much snow as you want.
16 Jan, 2013
Previous question
Not the wisest of ideas as it could burn the roots.
13 Jan, 2013