By Gattina
I would like to grow perennial wallflowers, but don't want the standard mauve/pink colors. Back in September I saw a very pale creamy white one in a UK garden centre, which I wish now I'd bought. Does anyone have any idea what variety this might have been?
15 Jan, 2013
I have been told that Erisymum chieri - the biennial wallflower, can be sown from seed - in fact I grown them every year, Bulba, but the perennial one, which is the one I want, can only be grown from cuttings. Relatively recently, they've both been classified under the same name of Erisymum, which makes it very confusing. I haven't heard of Chase, and I refuse ever to buy anything from T&M again!
15 Jan, 2013
Sorry, Gattina, but the perennial Erisimum can be grown from seed - that is what they do in nature!
15 Jan, 2013
I'm at a loss to know why I can't find much seed of it then, and it is often described as "Effectively sterile" There ARE seeds available, but they are expensive and I can't find many varieties.
16 Jan, 2013
This year the SRGC seed exchange listed 23 different species of erisimum seed. The 2012/13 exchange is just about to close but left over seed will be available at the 'Early Bulb' day at the end of Febuary. If you like I will see if there any erisimum seed left (all seed are in short supply after the poor summer) and take some for you. If successful I will contact you for a mailing address.
16 Jan, 2013
there are many named varieties, look at spritzhenry's plant profiles to see which ones she grows. I grew winter sorbet expecting it to be white and it wasnt. nice non the less.
16 Jan, 2013
Hallo Gattina - it was 'Winter Moon' but sadly, it didn't survive the winter. I was silly - I didn't take cuttings off it. It was a beauty, and if I ever see any more I shall buy them...and this time, cuttings will be taken!
16 Jan, 2013
Oh that is a shame Spritz. it is a lovely plant.
16 Jan, 2013
Oh Spritz, what a terrible shame! At least I at last have a name to look for. I've had a look in your plant profiles, and that's the one!
16 Jan, 2013
Good - pleased I could help. :-))
16 Jan, 2013
Hi Gattina, Hayloft plants will airmail you plants. They have a very pale creamy white erysimum - 3 plants for £12.00. I have not used them but members do mention them from time to time.
18 Jan, 2013
Scotsgran - I have just had a browse through Hayloft's catalogue, and this is absolutely what I needed! Thank you so much!
18 Jan, 2013
Just be aware that the plants will be very small - plug plants, really. Good luck with them!
19 Jan, 2013
I know, Spritz - it's a big drawback, especially getting them out here to Italy safely. If I get them sent to my sister-in-law in the UK and get her to plant them up for me, then I can collect them when I come to visit and whisk them back in a suitcase. You have no idea how much stuff makes it out here courtesy of a stout polythene sandwich box, some damp newspaper and British Airways. I daren't allow them to suffer at the hands of the combined Royal Mail and Poste Italiane: most of the time things get here remarkably quickly, but one Christmas card once famously took 8 months to arrive. :o( I don't have much choice, unfortunately.
19 Jan, 2013
Bulbaholics offer to get you some seeds would probably give you plants in the same time scale as your complicated delivery arrangement.
19 Jan, 2013
Wallflowers are of the genus Erysimum, Gattina, and are normally in shades of yellow/cream. They are easy from seed and various species would be available from seed merchants such as Plant World Seeds:
When I started this response I expected to easily give several suggestions such as Chase and T&M. T&M just seems to offer mixed wallflower varieties and Chase has disappeared. Does anyone know if Chase Seeds still exist, they used to be a very reliable supplier?
15 Jan, 2013