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By Mje

Cheadle Hulme Cheshire, United Kingdom

How early can I plant Rhubard (Red Champagne) crowns outside. I have the ground ready and wondered if I can plant and cover with pop bottles now as they say they are frost tolerant and if fact benefit from a touch of frost. ie itching to get planing something now. I also have the same question re garlic(Casablanca) and Asparagus (Gijnim). Thanks Michael



My garlic and Rhubarb were planted in Oct/Nov. If yours are still waiting I would wait till the end of feb once the soil has started to warm up. This could give you a lower yield though.

In 2010 try and get them in late autumn.

Ruhbarb should be left for at least the first year to bulk up I belive, so you are looking at eating it in 2011/2012.

Hope this helps.

1 Jan, 2010


Thanks, Garden centres selling them now so I thought must be season to plant them... Will wait and store dry/coldin garage till end of Feb. Any thoughts on Garlic/Asparagus... What can I plant now? regards M.

1 Jan, 2010


Bit confussed now reading link below say plat December... Can I plant now or not see answerr above and link
Treeand thing just checking thanks for your answer though.
Please advise thanks Michael.

1 Jan, 2010


this is an ideal time to plant it,but don't burry frost with it ,let the frost thor then get it in ,leave the crown level with the serface dont put anything over it except a little straw or hay just to give it a chanch ,it is hardy,only take no more than a third of the storks the first year, second year you can force it

1 Jan, 2010


Thanks for the info Cliffo
regards M.

1 Jan, 2010


you can always plant it in a large pot if the soil is too frozen and then plant in spring when the garden is a little more 'friendly'. as previously stated pull very little this season. no more than a 1/3 of the stalks but if you can leave it till next year it will be even better.

1 Jan, 2010


thanks ... so by leave it you mean just let it do its own thing and don't cut it down or anything when it next winter.... Also I have heard that I should cut flowers as soon as they are there. Is this the case 1st year also when I'm leaving it. Finally, and thanks again. can Compost leaves even though they are poisonous ?

1 Jan, 2010


do not let it flower, and yes let it die down,you can clean it up when the new shoots appear,but it will not flower just because you leave it.

1 Jan, 2010


Thanks again M.

1 Jan, 2010


the leaves make great compost. the plant dies down fully leaving a pink 'crown' above soil level. Removing the flowers just makes sure the energy it is making goes into stems rather than flowers/seeds. It wont actually harm your plant if it were to flower but better to remove them. [compost it] :o)

1 Jan, 2010


thanks once again soon as frost goes I'll plant,,,, Guess thats next Sat in Cheshire !

2 Jan, 2010


no need to change the birds water on Satarday then,that will be a change lol

2 Jan, 2010


certainly not this saturday in east yorkshire :o(

2 Jan, 2010


Keep that spade handy.... for snow that is not Garden !

2 Jan, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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