By Pammie
United Kingdom
when is the best time .....and worst time , to plant Hawthorne .My friend has been waiting for a gardener to plant some as Hawthorne hedge , since October.
23 Jan, 2013
as long as the garden isnt frozen any time before spring. as mg says before march is out.
23 Jan, 2013
Look for bare-rooted 'saplings' if your friend wants a hedge - they're much cheaper. That isn't the right word - I can't think of it. Anyway, they establish fast!
24 Jan, 2013
Thanks everybody for your answers will , pass on to my friend
24 Jan, 2013
Obviously not now any time until early March would work. You want to get the hedging in before the sap starts rising and when the ground not frozen. It doesn't matter if it freezes after you have planted.
23 Jan, 2013