By Grubbynails
United Kingdom
I need a plan for a long narrow border of mainly grasses. Any ideas?
26 Jan, 2013
Hi there, thanks for responding so quickly. I'm in South Oxfordshire on a chalky soil. The border faces south east but is shaded by the house for the second part of the day. I have a few fescues and sedges and the like growing happily nearby but Im a bit if a novice when it comes to grasses and the sheer variety on offer is a bit daunting!
27 Jan, 2013
Probably easier to recommend a book - I got one for Christmas, and its pretty good, so I can recommend it. Available at Amazon, titled Designing with Grasses by Neil Lucas, ISBN 13: 978-0-88192-983-6. Even has a section called Reinventing the Classic Plant Border, which is basically about creating a grass border at Knoll.
27 Jan, 2013
Thanks so much; I'll take a squint at the book. Snowdrops flowering on the banks around the village today - a sign of hope!
28 Jan, 2013
Hi Grubbynails and welcome to GoY. Is the border in light or shade and where are you in the UK?
26 Jan, 2013