Dear SirsI have grown garlic for a number of years and I occasionally get one that is round – not as a clove – and can be as large as a golf ball
By Davec678
United Kingdom
Dear Sirs
I have grown garlic for a number of years and I occasionally get one that is round – not as a clove – and can be as large as a golf ball. I think they are connected with the Elephant Garlic that I grow but am not sure. The Elephant Garlic sprouts small very hard “bulblets” which I understand is the source of these solid garlic. I plant some of these in October each year but 12 months latter they are as solid as when I put them in with no movement from them. Of course my partner is delighted when I bring these in and can’t see why I don’t grow just them.
29 Jan, 2013
It takes 3-4 years for the bulbils to grow into garlic. They seem to sit and do nothing for 12 months then divide in hardy frost. That makes them produce a stalk and then you can harvest.
29 Jan, 2013
Many thanks to Kildermorie and Pamg.
30 Jan, 2013
Hi Dave, welcome to Goy, we are a group of gardeners and I,m sure someone will be able to help you. In the mean time scroll down to the alphabet at the bottom, choose G then garlic, there are photo's and questions there that may help.....also lots of other categories to browse.....
29 Jan, 2013