By Callymarie
United Kingdom
What do I need to do to my Rhubarb plant to get a good crop this year? it was a new plant last year.
1 Feb, 2013
Put some well rotted manure around the crown. Don't take too many stems this year as the plant is still trying to establish itself and needs leaf growth to do so.
1 Feb, 2013
Snap SBG :-)
1 Feb, 2013
Thanks guys :)
1 Feb, 2013
well at least us gals are signing from the same hymn sheet Mg.
1 Feb, 2013
1 Feb, 2013
as it is so new only use about 1/3 of the stalks and then give it a good feed. if it puts up any flower stalks remove them too.
1 Feb, 2013