By Istrachan
United Kingdom
Autumn Fruiting Raspberries.
I have autumn fruiting raspberries which I prefer as they fruit on the current year's growth. They grow to around 6 feet high. Can I cut off the growing tip of each stem to reduce the height a little? If so, at what height should I do the cutting and will it reduce the crop?
1 Feb, 2013
I'll certainly try cutting half of them this year. Thanks
1 Feb, 2013
Istrachan autumn fruiting raspberries should be cut down to 6 inches above the ground in February/March, they will then grow the new canes which will fruit in autumn.
1 Feb, 2013
According to where you are in the UK, you can cut them down earlier than MG (who is in Scotland)
I'm in Berkshire, and I've already cut mine down. In colder areas, it should be delayed.
1 Feb, 2013
Good point Andrew... Yes in southern England they can be cut down now.
1 Feb, 2013
I was given some advice (not tried yet), to cut down autumn rasps by 1/3 and you can sneak in an extra crop in summer from them. Might be worth doing that on a cane or 2 to try to see if it works.
1 Feb, 2013
Thanks for the replies. I'm new to this site and wow! what great responses, advice and suggestions. I live in south-east Scotland and usually cut mine right down to the ground in late Autumn/early Winter. I would really like them not to grow so tall, as in recent years they've grown to 6ft or so and are pushing through the top of my net fruit cage and the birds get a good feed. I wondered what would happen if I cut the growing tips before the fruiting flowers appeared.
1 Feb, 2013
If you are cutting the new canes to the ground and they then grow too tall yes lop them!
Good luck with the advice toy were given Kildermore - personally I wouldn't try it as I see no reason to do so.
1 Feb, 2013
I have tried leaving a few canes uncut just to see what happened and they cropped early but not heavily.
2 Feb, 2013
Kildermorie you mat you may get fruits but if you already have summer fruiting raps. why try?
2 Feb, 2013
Its certainly recommended that you do this with summer fruiters. If nobody gives you better advice why not do half and see if it does affect the crop? I wouldn't expect it to.
1 Feb, 2013