By Jimbo123
United Kingdom
Hello,I would like to know the best solution to kill off the grass and weeds around my garden paths, thank you for any replies
- 2 Feb, 2013
Pathclear does what it says on the tin so to speak. but if it gets onto the plants you want then they will die.
2 Feb, 2013
There is usually a watering can option with weedkillers - the concentration is different but there is no danger of wind drift and none of splashing onto wanted plants as long as you are careful.
2 Feb, 2013
There is a granular weedkiller that you scatter on to the paths - it works for about 6 months, but i don't know the name.
3 Feb, 2013
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« Penstemon seeds: I have P. Husker's Red and P. Blue Springs. When is the best...
Is there a membrane beneath the gravel, Jimbo? If so, any weeds will be very easy to pull out with your fingers and there is no risk of getting spray on your plants and lawn.
2 Feb, 2013