By Tintin
United Kingdom
I dug up a rose bush yesterday, in the roots were a number of small round creamy/yellow eggs, I have noticed these in other parts of the garden. What are they and can I eradicate them
10 Feb, 2013
Slug eggs squish if you squeeze them with your finger and tend to be small and pearl like, fertilizer tends to have hard shells and do not squish - they are also larger.
10 Feb, 2013
slug eggs are transparent round jelly like. slow release fertiliser as said are hard shelled and crack open. I suspect it is the later in the compost.
10 Feb, 2013
Thank you for the info, looks like I have slugs eggs. Time for the nematodes
11 Feb, 2013
no its too cold for the nematodes Tintin. also if they are yellowy/cream they wont be slug/snail eggs as they are colourless.
11 Feb, 2013
Either slugs eggs or slow release fertiliser - how long have you had the rose bush? If it is more than a couple of years most likely to be slugs eggs.
10 Feb, 2013