By Shelley12
United Kingdom
Have had a dracaena marginata for 3 and a half years indoors its now 6 feet tall and needs to go outside very soon i only have a windy balcony which has direct sunlight from 7am till 1pm what do i do next.
4 Jan, 2010
No useful information here, but, many years ago I put twinkle lights on one and called it my California Christmas Tree.
4 Jan, 2010
Don't put it outside!
You can take stem cuttings if it is getting too large and the stumps that are left on the main plant will also re-sprout. Just cut a few inches below the lowest leaves on a stem and leave to dry for a few days. Plant in a small pot initially with slightly gritty compost and let it dry out thoroughly between waterings. It/they should root after a month or two. As I have already said, the main plant can be cut well back with the same watering treatment with perhaps a little liquid feed in spring and it will shoot quite happily from the lowered stumps.
4 Jan, 2010