By Pamg
east midlands,
United Kingdom
Citrus fruit how do I know when it is ripe?
Is it like apples etc. That come away when gently lifted
We have lemons coming and have just bought orange trees with an orange on.
In conservatory in the winter and shady patio from last frosts
16 Feb, 2013
Thanks for your reply Sarra, its the novelty really, and the lemon for his gin of course. :0)
I must say you do very well for your advanced age.....
16 Feb, 2013
taste its the best why of being a 100% sure by monica patrick. anyone for lemon? ;)
21 Jun, 2013
The lemons are small but very juicy, nice over fish too, we pick them like apples we are finding, when there is some 'give' in the stem
The oranges are flowering if we get a sweet one I,ll let you know Sarra, thanks Jane
21 Jun, 2013
Yes, let us know, also, if you know it, what variety.
22 Jun, 2013
Ok Sarra, will do!......don't hold your breath. :0)
22 Jun, 2013
Yes Pam citrus does pick easily when ripe but do understand that if you are looking for sweet, juicy oranges in UK then forget it. They never fully ripen/sweeten even under glass. It is not just warmth it is sunlight, and except in exceptional years we just don't get enough. It's like my peaches last year. They did very well in quantity but were only good for grilling with brown sugar on and that way they were great either with sweet or savoury dishes, I remember having some with jerk chicken - wonderful, or for making peach brandy. That was and still is excellent. I must admit I've given up on citrus though. Used to enjoy growing things just for fun but since my 150th birthday I require some return. :o))
16 Feb, 2013