By Bernard
United Kingdom
This is a desperate cry for help.
About 5 years ago, I began the creation of a small woodland garden modified to be as attractive in the summer and autumn as it is in the spring. My progress has been covered by my various blogs and photographs in GoY over that period. Last year my health deteriorated to the point where I needed a quadruple heart bypass. This was very successful, but during the recovery period, I deteriorated further and was diagnosed with cancer, which, including some complications and radiography is making it impossible for me to undertake any gardening at the moment and for the forseeable future.
I have managed to get help with the basic jobs, like grass-cutting and pruning with aid of Age Concern, but the major project requires a gardener with some specialised knowledge and the necessary time to devote to the task. Maybe someone who's retired and would be happy to supplement a pension with extra income.
The garden is located in Peterborough and if I fail in my search, 5 years of hard work and the creation of a unique garden will be lost, together with my peace of mind.
16 Feb, 2013
Hello Bernard and congratulations on everything you have done. I've had a long-standing ambition to create a woodland garden but have not yet found a suitable place. I live in West Dorset so Peterborough is way too far unfortunately.
Plants For A Future (PFAF) is an organisation that may provide interested contacts. They have a website so it could be worth looking up.
16 Feb, 2013
wishing you well for the future Bernard, there could be someone on here who lives close enough to help you out, I do hope so.Sounds like you have made a wonderful garden.
16 Feb, 2013
I wish I was closer as I am am also creating a native woodland on land I own, so I can see exactly where you are coming from as I would not like my own work turned into a bloody housing estate. I would gladly work for free/ Gosh, Gumtree seems a good place to start for volunteers. If not and you can make it, then do ask at local charity shops locally and ask if they can put up a poster advertising your requirement - am sure someone would help. If not try local schools and sell it as a project. keep us up to date - I do not want to come down to help!
16 Feb, 2013
I am so sorry Bernard, its a very difficult time for you.
I put Cambridge horticultural college into google and seem to find one or two that could be useful
The college near me do take students out of college for project work and on job training
On the course I did (NCH) when I was in my '40s was pretty well 50%mature students retraining
Maybe Cambridge will have something similar?
17 Feb, 2013
How sorry to hear your sad news Bernard.
Wish I was closer to be of some help but too far away.
Do you have a local newpaper that you could advertise for some help.
Or advertise on Gumtree .
16 Feb, 2013