By Bwagstaff
United Kingdom
After all the wet weather my garden path has a lot of moss on it. I've started to scrape it off with a spade and am wondering if it is safe to put it on the compost heap.
18 Feb, 2013
moongrowe, you answer could be taken 2 ways, should there be a full stop after the word compost?If on the other hand you are saying that you wouldn't put it in the compost OR the brown bin, why not? We put moss from the drive into the brown bin.
19 Feb, 2013
To be clear I would not put moss in the compost bin. I do put moss in the brown bin for the council to compost as they have far more efficient methods than Bulba and I.
19 Feb, 2013
Personally I would never put moss in the compost into the brown bin for the council to deal with.
18 Feb, 2013