By Magga
United Kingdom
I am thinking of buying a daphne odora aureomarginata for my border I would be grateful for any suggestions as to when I should plant it.
23 Feb, 2013
One of the greatest reasons why immature Daphnes fail is they cannot deal with their roots becoming too wet. If you have to buy them now because they are to be had a bargain price, I would overwinter in frost-free but light situation. If you can afford to wait, then look to buy and plant in April. Also verigated varieties are often less hardy than bog standard ones. They are also an expensive shrub to buy so if you intend to buy from a garden centre then look for one that has a 5-year guarantee.
24 Feb, 2013
as long as the ground isnt frozen you will be able to plant it out. prepare the hole with plenty of compost and dig it at least half as big again as the pot. gently tease any roots that may be too tightly 'packed' together.
23 Feb, 2013