Can I a fig thing indoors
By Ksmerd
United Kingdom
Can I grow a fig thing indoors. I am hoping to build a small south facing sunlounge/porch type of thing in the spring and I will have a small footprint about 200 mm x 400 mm to put something in the way of a small climbing bit of greenery. It will be open to the house so the ambient temp will be about 17 to 20 cent.
5 Jan, 2010
Thanks for that. I'm not sure if I even like figs but I will force myself.
5 Jan, 2010
Get Ficus carica Brown Turkey - figs are delicious, but they need sunlight to ripen. I didn't think I liked figs at all, my experience of them being the dried ones or those horrible fig roll biscuits, until I ate a fresh Brown Turkey fig - absolutely delicious, but be warned, don't eat more than a couple a day - they do have a rather dramatic effect on the gut, because the seeds are an irritant to our digestive systems!
5 Jan, 2010
If you aren't sure you even like them, maybe you should try something else. The sap is near impossible to get off, the fruit attracts flies, and then there are all those leaves to clean up in the fall. Try a chili plant. It will last a couple of years and then you can switch varieties.
5 Jan, 2010
Thanks for the answers. Something to ponder on when I'm under the knife next Thursday.
5 Jan, 2010
I Ksmerd fresh figs are wonderful... entirely unlike the dried disgusting disks the shops sell! You should be able to buy fresh ones in a good greengrocers. Have fun with the growing of!
Bamboo Mr MB and I must have sterner constitutions than yours, when we were on Cyprus we at rather more than two a day :-)
Ksmerd hope the op is nothing serious?
5 Jan, 2010
Under the knife? I know nothing of this, but whatever it is, I hope it goes well.
5 Jan, 2010
See Ksmerd's response above Bamboo
5 Jan, 2010
All the best for your op, and hope you enjoy figs, it sounds like a good idea to me. Agree with others above, that fresh ripe ones are just wonderful.
2" of snow here in N. Worcestershire and everyone's out there a-panicking, but I'm snug indoors on GOY, daydreaming of figs. Life is sweet.
5 Jan, 2010
hellow agine Bamboo happy new year,
5 Jan, 2010
Thank again folks. The op is a total hip replacement (again). That's twice in 8 yrs and I'm only 50 and 138 months. There's a lesson for everyone, don't get replacement surgery from Ebay.
5 Jan, 2010
Good luck, Ksmerd.
5 Jan, 2010
Indeed - good luck Ksmerd and no climbing ladders once the op is over!
5 Jan, 2010
All the best for Thurs Ksmerd...:>)
5 Jan, 2010
hope the op is successful this time.
5 Jan, 2010
HNY to you Cliffo, and good luck with the op, Ksmerd - this ageing thing ain't for cissies, that's for sure... I keep wondering who turned my ligaments, muscles and bones into rigid, stiff, unbending steel...
6 Jan, 2010
I don't know anything about figs,but just wanted to send you best wishes for your op on thursday.I hope it all goes well.
6 Jan, 2010
I've had the op and am as happy as Larry, whoever he is. If anyone has any problems with the NHS they should move to South Dorset. Anyway back to the figs. I read somewhere else on Mr Google's service that you should start small and transpot as it grows. Can I start from seed or is it best to buy a tiddler? I thought I saw a price of £80.00 on one of the sites I looked at but I came over faint at this point so I can't be sure. I have plenty of pots and the one I want to finish up with is 18 inches Dia X inches High. As you can see I need an Imperial plant not a metric one. All advice welcome.
Keith Smerd
11 Apr, 2010
Can I just say that its not true that root restriction means more fruit, Ksmerd, and that I'm very happy you've had a good result - I'd love to move to South Dorset, and not just for the hospitals, though that's a good enough reason on its own! Anyway, back to the fig - I'd buy a small plant - they're rapid growers and in fact need hard pruning in late winter every year to make them more productive, though if your plant is particularly small, probably not prune too hard next year. Don't know about growing from seed - I don't know how you feel about this, but at my time of life, I'm not sure I've got enough time left for something to mature and fruit before I drop off the twig myself... And I suspect it will, when older, do much better in a pot that's a minimum 2 feet deep by a minimum 12 inches wide, preferably more.
12 Apr, 2010
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as figs are best grown in a container,becaus root restriction restricts the size of the tree, allowing it to produce more fruit,and as it dose not need another tree to fruit ,I would say go ahead, but as you will be puting it in to a wormer place do not be surprised if it fruits more than once, by the way it must have good drainage, I would like to hear how you get on and if you reach the three times a year fruiting ,as it dose were it comes from.
5 Jan, 2010