By Avrilcoutts
I bought three hyacinths which are growing in a pot and they are situated in the living room. Do I have to water them each day? The ticket says not to let them dry out but this is difficult to see as they seem to be planted in a bark-like material.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Regards from a snowy Brussels.
25 Feb, 2013
You can also judge by the weight of the pot if it isn't a heavy one. Notice how it feels when newly watered and water again when it is noticeable lighter. SBG's finger test is good.
25 Feb, 2013
Thanks to you both. They are in a solid dish so I'll give water every 3rd day and keep my fingers crossed.
25 Feb, 2013
does the pot they are in have drainage holes? or is a decorative bowl that doesnt drain?
If it has drainage holes then water daily and allow any excess to drain off. If it is a soild dish then I'd water every 3 days especially when in full flower.
I poke a finger into the soil beneath the bark just to check.
25 Feb, 2013