By Telme8
Vale of Glamorgan,
I had 1/2 doz delphiniums I grew from seed last summer in pots in the greenhouse, 1 keeled over a week or so ago now another Help. They are new to me never grown them before. botrytis I presume. Should I plant the rest out quick and if so should I spray them with anything or will planting out do the trick? If I plant the 2 that have dropped off out, will they come again or should I disgaurd them
28 Feb, 2013
Thanks Kildermorie, I am off out to do just that, I did scratch around the top of the pot that had died off and there seems to be a little life there, just did not know if it would spread.
28 Feb, 2013
they behave like lupins if that helps Telme.
28 Feb, 2013
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« Hi everyone, What is the best thing to feed young shrubs & bushes
They are hardy, so I keep them outside. They are beginning to grow from roots now. If it is botrytis then I would cut out the grey bits to green and plant out.
28 Feb, 2013