By Pauline2516
United Kingdom
Thank you all for coming back to me, yes there are many pitfalls to overcome the british weather and the late end of summer. I will try some of your suggestions, I really appreciate the answers. Bless you all, may your gardens be slug free and beautiful.
28 Feb, 2013
You're welcome, but for future reference, if you want to thank anyone who has answered your question, it is best to go to your original question, click the box that says add comment at the bottom, make your comment or thanks, then click add comment, that way anyone who has commented will see your comment, as when they log in it tells them that someone has commented and they can go straight to that particular question.
I know it sounds a bit complicated, but you'll soon get used to it, and we're quite a friendly lot on here.
Welcome to g o y, Derek.
28 Feb, 2013