By Michael1950
Flintshire, United Kingdom
hello all,not really a gardening question but am sure someone can help me....i am going to be putting down about 60 flag stones 400cm square. am going to cement them down onto existing concrete base...should i use builders sand ? or.. sharp sand ? thanks guys.
- 4 Mar, 2013
I agree with Bamboo, but have 1 question, how on earth do you lift a 4 metre square flagstone?, I assume you mean 400mm lol, Derek.
12 Mar, 2013
Previous question
The 'recipe' I've always used for a bedding mix of mortar is 4 parts sharp sand, 2 parts soft builders sand and 1 part cement with enough water to create a mix that is workable, but not so sloppy that slabs laid onto it aren't supported by it when its wet. If the area's quite big, a bit of plasticizer added to the mix keeps it workable longer.
4 Mar, 2013