By Quackers
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have bought some bulbs today, Just curious to see what they are like . I have never seen or heard of them before.. I have looked in my books but no luck.. They are called ZEPHYRANTHUS Robustus they are pink look a bit like a cyclemum flower, 6 petals, leaves are narrow like crocus or snowdrop..looking at the picture on the packet they are pretty, any ideas please x
5 Mar, 2013
I think that they are a South African bulb, Quackers. In their natural habitat they are in bone dry soil until the summer rains come and then they burst into bloom. I don't grow them but assume that they do grow for one season in British gardens though would not expect them to come back a second time. You could try growing in pots and keeping them dry during dormancy.
5 Mar, 2013
South America is it, Worthy, OK. We posted at the same time. All of the cheap bulb outlets seem to sell them which is why I suggested one season outdoors.
5 Mar, 2013
Hi Quackers!
I too, have bought these from Poundland and thought, I'd take a chance with them. If only I took the advice here about keeping them on the dry side before planting out as they may well not survive. I can't dig them up now as I'm not sure which of the 100 pots or the ground I put them!!
oh well, let's hope for a scorching hot summer then!
5 Mar, 2013
A familiar problem, that, pots with unidentifiable contents. Garden centre's full of 'em - discovered some today whilst weeding and top-dressing. Think I found dodecatheon and thalictrum.
5 Mar, 2013
I grew them 4 yrs ago, pretty but I didnt bring them in over winter, as a consequence I lost them in the winter.
6 Mar, 2013
thankyou fellow gardeners your comments have helped a lot ... Trouble is hope they will be ok, as i have already potted them. Keeping fingers crossed no more frosts x
6 Mar, 2013
All I know is that they're South American and need alpine house or a well drained site in full sun. They don't like getting wet AND frosted (none of us does!). Similar to amaryllis in style. W.
5 Mar, 2013