By Toody65
United Kingdom
I have a Daphne Auremarginata, about 3/4 years old in a pot . It produces new leaves but has never flowered. What am I doing wrong,
18 Mar, 2013
Get it into the ground, but carefully, as daphnes resent disturbance. Give it sun/semi-shade and good drainage, but it does like a nice bit of soil and a bit of gentle feed in autumn
19 Mar, 2013
I read somewhere that Daphne send out a longish taproot, should this be damaged it seriously comprises the chance of recuperation.
Which in plain-speak is - don't damage the roots.
Pop it into another larger pot if you think that it has outgrown its size, if it looks a little cramped. Or, as suggested, get it in the ground. It will flower eventually.
Patience is the key. Easy in hindsight...
The reward will be worth the wait.
20 Mar, 2013
I guess my pot isn't big enough. Will move it on, feed it, and hope for the best. Thanks for your suggestions.
27 Mar, 2013
Good luck Toody
27 Mar, 2013
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' wants to grow into a shrub about 1.5 metres high - what size of pot do you have it in, what compost are you using and where is it positioned in your garden?
18 Mar, 2013