By Keith4208
United Kingdom
Can anyone advise me about growing sun I start them off indoors in pots or outside in the ground, if so when,also what about feeding. Many thanks in advance. Keith.
19 Mar, 2013
Just to add dont forget the weather can be a little unpredictable in April/May so afford some protection if this is the case.
19 Mar, 2013
I live most of the time in the land of the sunflower - Italy but I like to grow them in the UK as well. I agree they ought to be started under glass singly in compost and when they are sturdy depending on the weather they can be planted out. I agree with Julien I too have grown different types and like the multi headed bronze variety but being a traditionalist I prefer the huge sunny faced yellow variety - I keep the seed every year if I can get to it before the gold finches consume it!
20 Mar, 2013
Hello, i have always started them off in small pots of compost outdoors in mid April then plant them out in prepared ground in May i like to grow the smaller chocolate coluored ones which instead of just one bloom have many blooms yes a little smaller in size but if impact is wanted then these will do just that, i grow them on the allotment, just remember to keep them well watered as they are growing and you will be rewarded with lovely sunflowers.
19 Mar, 2013