By Laripa
Hallo I am a new member! I live in Italy for some of the year and I took nasturtium seeds from the UK to plant. They didn't do much in the summer because too hot but thrived from late September onwards. It is now March and the leaves look beautiful having survived the winter because it is usually free from frost. Should I pull them out, cut them back or just leave them?
19 Mar, 2013
The last couple of years, they haven't done much in my garden till September.But I get self seedlings come up each year in pots and on the veg patch where I grow them with the cabbages!!!
20 Mar, 2013
thank you all so much - I am so fond of nasturtiums - as I am very homesick here it makes me think of old English gardens - my grandmother and great aunt always grew them - I feel now they have fallen out of fashion?
20 Mar, 2013
Hi and welcome to GOY Laripa I to am fond of nasturtuims and when finished blooming its great to save the seeds for the following year.
20 Mar, 2013
nasturtiums are great fun I use them as companion plants climbing up among bean poles as well as rambling in a flower garden good to eat in salads as well and the seeds pickle nicely... what more could one want?
21 Mar, 2013
I also collect the seeds and replant them. I like them because they are not fussy and so cheerful.
21 Mar, 2013
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Hi Laripa and welcome to GoY. Personally I'd just leave them to keep on growing, where you live they should start flowering in May at the latest...
19 Mar, 2013