By Privet08
United Kingdom
I garden a communal garden. My neighbours want to dig over the ground of an established garden with large mature shrubs underplanted with various bulbs and lots of perennials. I'm concerned that digging over will damage the roots of these plants and could lead to a loss of many plants. However I agree that the soil requires airation. What would you recomend me to do?
11 Jan, 2010
if the shrubs are well settled in and robust it would take more than planting bulbs etc to bother them infact digging over the soil over will help let water etc in as soil can get quite compacted over say especialy if you feed in the spring you will do more good than sure cliffo would agree . welcome from me to bye for now.
11 Jan, 2010
do you mean all the soil? If they dont know where the perenials are then I would wait until april when the ground is warmer and you can see where plants are. often shrub roots run out as far as the foliage 'canopy' so you could dig to that sort of area but as said the bulbs run the risk of being disturbed.
I'd use a fork to loosen the soil bt again later in the spring.
welcome to GoY too.
11 Jan, 2010
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nothing until the bulbs have flowere,then dig it cairfully with a garden fork, avoiding damage were posable to roots of bushes, then you can dig up the bulbs and split them so that next spring you will have a better show. welcome to the site, I garden a communal garden ,and november I planted eight fruit trees and the nabours are looking forward to the fruit, so good look with it.
11 Jan, 2010