By Eccles
United Kingdom
overwintered geraniums - leggy and flowering now - at the end of March! shall I pinch them out after flowering or really prune them back? Help would be much appreciated. thankyou.
28 Mar, 2013
Am guessing you mean Pelargonium and not a Geranium, which is a hardy perennial in the UK. I would put your plant in a coldframe during the day to stunt its growth and make it more bushy.
28 Mar, 2013
thankyou Bamboo and Kildermorie - just joined thuis site and am bery impressed so far- thankyou again
28 Mar, 2013
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Prune them right back and give them a feed to encourage new, bushy growth - they'll make more attractive plants, though you'll have to wait a little for more flowers.
28 Mar, 2013