By Scotkat
I just bought a beautiful Tillandsia today .
Has anyone got these and how do I care for them?
29 Mar, 2013
Its potted up in a 3"pot of compost.
Bought it like that.
Thank you Andy.
Do they grow big?
29 Mar, 2013
I think there must be thousands of these sold every year in "flower", I have never known anyone to keep 1 going without a well heated greenhouse, I don't think the sellers expect anyone to try, they just expect to sell you another 1 next year, Derek.
29 Mar, 2013
Derek I have bought it as houseplant ,it was getting sold in area of houseplants.
29 Mar, 2013
Its potted up in a 3"pot of compost.
Bought it like that.
Thank you Andy.
Do they grow big?
29 Mar, 2013
Hi Skotkat, yes they are sold as houseplants, but this is not the ideal conditions for them, it's too dry usually, Derek.
29 Mar, 2013
Derek would it prefer the shower room?
29 Mar, 2013
Hi Kath, yes I think a shower room would be better as it would be moist and warm, which is what they like, Derek.
29 Mar, 2013
Thank you Derek I shall try that to see how it performs.
Or maybe even buy another and keep it in our lounge area its still warm but not humid.
29 Mar, 2013
How have you got on with it Scotkat, I,ve just been given one..........
18 Oct, 2013
I put it up to Glamis Castle Glasshouse in their mist area Pam.
18 Oct, 2013
Hmmm..... Its a bit far to bring it!
Its in the kitchen window and its quite misty outside, that will have to do. :0)
thanks x
18 Oct, 2013
Depends on the type of Tilansia. they are bromeliads and like humid, warm conditions. Many Tilandsia are grown as air plants so all they need is a weekly spray.
Keep it sprayed over with soft, tepid water during summer, less so in winter and it should be fine.
29 Mar, 2013