By Pammie
United Kingdom
Over the last few weeks we have had a Drake and duck ,Mallards we think ,come into our garden , and stay for quite a while.Yesterday they came whilst we were out and on looking out of our window , the Hen Duck was actually in our small pond [ size only about 3ft x 2 ft , NO fish ] and had been there for nearly 2 hrs.Then flew off Hence now the pond is greeny colour ,lovely ! Will it clear again as it did before,or does the water want replacing .As there is frogs in there I dont want to stop them spawning
29 Mar, 2013
With a bit of luck they might eat some of your slugs.
29 Mar, 2013
We have had a pair coming in the spring for years, they are not at all bothered by us in the garden and sometimes sleep under the apple tree
Last year they suprised us by nesting in the big trough of hardy geraniums, they raised 11ducklings, sadly the geraniums didn't survive but the ducklings did!
The pond will be fine, when its settled you could use a fine net or pond vac, but the wildlife like the tadpoles like the algae
30 Mar, 2013
Thanks for all your comments .Snoopdog didnt know ducks would eat frogs . Oh well , Im sure there will be soon more frogs appearing in the pond [ they seem to come from knowhere
30 Mar, 2013
They certainly eat the frogspawn and tadpoles.....but thereagain so do tnhe fish........
30 Mar, 2013
the water will clear and settle down. if you want to stop them swimming again just put some netting over it.
29 Mar, 2013