By Gooseygander
United Kingdom
Is it too cold to prune my shrubs?
I've got a buddleia, red robin and lavenders that need pruning back, which I'd normally do around now. I'm worried that if I prune them, this will encourage them to start growing and it is so cold still. Should I hold off until the weather turns a bit warmer or will they stay dormant until it warms up regardless of whether I prune them or not?
31 Mar, 2013
Great, thanks for replying Derek- much appreciated.
31 Mar, 2013
I did my buddleia weeks ago and it is sitting quietly waiting for a bit of warmth.
31 Mar, 2013
Thanks. Will brave the cold tomorrow to tidy them all up.
31 Mar, 2013
No, it's too cold!
The sap at the cut end will probably freeze at night and cause some die-back. It is also very prone to fungus later on as it is too cold for adequate callous formation.
1 Apr, 2013
generalising wate till theres know more hard frosts .
1 Apr, 2013
Its very cold here in West Wales and our visitors from Essex told us its much colder there, so I'd be inclined to wait a bit. I have done my buddleja but its in one of the few slightly more sheltered spots Another year you might cut back the lavenders after flowering.
1 Apr, 2013
i just did my dogwood on the strength of the fact i believe my own awnwer as far as dog wood is concerned as its well hard lol .
4 Apr, 2013
i would agree with steragram if your not sure what your doing .some things you can be brutal and some plants just shrug it off . look t good old grass chopping the crap out of it in the summer every month with a lawn mower . even burning . some plants/trees must be quit the opposit . i know a few people who grow some of the weaker/more tropical bananas plants and dig them up every winter .
4 Apr, 2013
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Yes, prune them now, it wont do them any harm if it stays cold, Derek.
31 Mar, 2013